We encourage buyers to get pre-approved for a loan before starting their search. Here’s what to look for in a lender, and how to decide which is best for you.



Do you have real estate questions? #AskAnslie has answers! Email us your question: Anslie@TheStokesGroup.com

The Stokes Group is a team of dedicated professionals who have passion for the real estate business and will advocate for our clients with the utmost honesty, integrity, and confidentiality. We believe in building solid relationships with our clients and that starts by getting to know who we are. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


The Stokes Group is a team of dedicated professionals who have passion for the real estate business and will advocate for our clients with the utmost honesty, integrity, and confidentiality.

We believe in building solid relationships with our clients and that starts by getting to know who we are. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.